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Bargate Roast

Our Bargate Roast is a smooth and rich Brazilian coffee designed for everyday drinking, always of speciality grade.

It offers reliable and tasty notes, such as a nutty and chocolatey sweetness with a medium-body and hint of caramel.

Served in all of our coffee houses, you can now also enjoy our familiar house coffee at home.


Happy Capybara

From Minas Gerais, happy capybara is our Mettricks house decaf coffee, a familiar and everyday decaf coffee.

With tastes of milk chocolate and walnut, as well as hints of orange, happy capybara offers a great alternative to our Bargate Roast for our decaf coffee lovers.

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Speciality Coffee

Ascapart coffees will only ever be worthy of myth and legend. Giants in their own right, each coffee will stand up tall alongside the very tastiest around the world, intentionally challenging everyday perceptions of coffee!

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